New Interest (Maybe My Future)

Nowadays, I’ve been seeing myself as becoming a physical therapist in the future. I’ve always found it fascinating to see how athletes get healed by getting a unique “massage” and get back on the field fully loaded. Like I said in the post before, I want to attend Northeastern University partially because of this reason of wanting to become a physical therapist.

I am an athlete myself playing for the Korean National Lacrosse Team so I understand the frustration when a player gets injured during the game. You aren’t able to perform to your full potential and feel as if your bringing the team down. That’s why I want to help professional athletes recover faster and support their teammates. As some of you NBA fans may know, Kevin Durant hasn’t been on the court lately because of an injury. Imagine the frustration seeing your team struggle without their best player. I want to fix these kinds of situations. I want to be the one who can be the medic behind the scenes. I want that.

Northeastern University

I once wrote about how I wanted to attend Ohio State University after I gradated high school on my blog. However, as my desired major changed from business and management to physical therapy, my first choice university changed with it. Now, as the title implies, I want to attend the one and only Northeastern University located Boston Massachusetts. The university apparently offers a lot of anatomy, physiology and other similar subjects unlike any other. Not only that, but I also heard from my college counselor that they offer much financial support (which in my opinion is never a bad thing).

Considering the fact that I will be an international once I go to the states, I want to live and educate myself in an environment that will suit me. Since I’ve not been to the university in person, I can’t truly interpret the atmosphere but through the pictures and templates I could only guess that Northeastern would be a great school.

Although Northeastern is not the most known nor popular school in the US, I still have high hopes for it and attend the school. I think I want to be enrolled even more because of the fact that the school is not widely known. I’ve always been the kind of person that would want to do things that are distant from the crowd, make my own new choices. However, I can’t say that all of my choices were good ones but I have a good feeling about this one.

Korean Children’s Day

Today’s Children’s Day in Korea so everyone has a day off from everything. No school, no work, just peace and quiet and assessments… Even though it’s a National Holiday, I guess we can’t consider it a day off. It’s a time for us to “catch up” on the things that we’ve not been doing because of lack of time. I don’t know. Maybe I’m not getting the break I need because I’m not considered a “child” anymore. I’m in my senior year of high school so… I’m not a kid anymore which means more and more homework and assessments for me! Yay…

But the good part is, I’m home and eating good food and having long rest time. Or at least longer than usual.

The Desire to Graduate

I am now in my last year of high school. Everyday feels a bit more like hell than the last and breathing becomes torture. The only reason I can’t give up now is I’ve come too far to take my hands off academics. It would be 11 years done for nothing. That’s why all my desire to graduating has increased. After a few months, I’ll become free from this hellish school.

In Korea, graduation day is during the Winter. Since I’m considering to apply for universities in the US, I’ll have about half a year of building up experience and getting ready for my college days to come. I don’t have anything planned out just quite yet, but I’m thinking of getting a part-time job to save up at least some money for my college tuition. Maybe go on some trips with friends and family, the usual.

But, until then, I’ll just have to keep my ground, keep my head on the books and hope for the best. To all the seniors out there, hang in there!

Fall in Love with Anyone?

I came across a strange but fascinating set of questions that claims it can make any people, no matter what their appearances are, actually fall in love. I didn’t believe this at first and I kind of still don’t believe it. This experiment has taken place several of times in a lab and all of the participants are said to have fallen in love and some even got married.

For the readers who want to try this with their special someone, the link to the questions will be below.

There are a total of 36 questions and is divided into 3 sets. Set 1 contains questions like: Would you like to be famous and why? When did you last sing to yourself or someone else? Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? As you might have observed, these are types of questions that describe one’s personality.

Now if you take a look at set 2, it’s made up of questions such as: What do you value most in a friendship? What is your most treasured memory? What is your most terrible memory? These questions examine the person in a little more depth than set 1 does. The person must answer what and how they think.

Finally, set 3 has more questions like: Share with your partner the most embarrassing moment in your life. Complete this sentence- “I wish I had someone to share…” To answer these questions, one must actually talk about their feelings. And after finishing all of the questions, the two partners must look into each other’s eyes for approximately 4 minutes.

Affection for another person is most likely to occur when they have known each other and have lived in a similar environment. This exercise forces the partners to exchange information which they would not normally do to strangers. Going through these 36 questions allows the partners to speed up that procedure by allowing the participants to be vulnerable to one another making them fall in love (so they say).

Vacation in Korea

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything and the reason for that is because there is a ridiculous amount of assessments and other studies I have to do during my so called “vacation”. I have lived in the states for about 7 years before coming back to Korea so I am familiar with both cultures. But the one thing I cannot get used to is the difference in amount of work required during the weekends, vacations and holidays. In the US, I have never felt the pressure of needing to study during my vacations. Even without the extra studying, I have managed to keep up with all the school work. And even if I had vacation homework, it would have only taken me 2 hours to finish them.

However, in the Korean society, it is nearly considered as a requirement to do extracurricular studies. Not activities, STUDIES. So vacation is often thought as the time to catch up or exceed the requirements and do better than expected to. Actually, I think the second option is the only option. It feels as if the word vacation has another definition in the Korean dictionary. Instead of relieving stress, it seems like more stress is recommended. More stress leads to better grades? Not in my book.. But what am I to do when I live in a country with this sort of mind set.

Desire vs. Expectation

I have been thinking about my future a lot lately and have come to one simple yet very complex conclusion. There are two roads ahead of me leading to a road to ‘What I want to be’ and another to ‘What I have to be’. Let me clarify. I have great passion for music and art. I love to sing, look at art, watch movies and play instruments. That’s why I want to get a career that is related to music. I’ve realized that music is the only thing which actually soothes me and gives me pleasure. Also, unlike anything else, music is the only thing I can truly concentrate on without being disturbed for a long period of time. I feel that life isn’t much joyful as I get older and I don’t expect to become much better as time progresses. But when I sing, I actually feel happy and time goes by extremely faster.

But I can’t achieve this because of the eyes around me. You see, I don’t know if it’s due to my ethnicity but singing is considered as unstable and isn’t a future career taken seriously. No matter how passionate one is to it, music or art itself is considered only as a hobby or an interest. That’s why nobody knows what I want to be when I become an adult. I can’t say that I want to do music because that will bring embarrassment. Only thing that counts is grades during grade school, going to a good college and getting a good position in society.

I think this is why people say that you have to choose between what your brain thinks and what your heart desires. Are you going to live a life where you’re happy or the one that others are happy for you.

Finals Next Week!

We have finals next week and studying should be my number one priority right now… but I managed to take some of my time off to post this one post. A lot have been happening in our class lately. A lot of problems among students. I don’t take a side to any argument, I prefer to be the neutral power but I still hear rumors spreading about how there are bullying involved. I’m guessing there is a reason the bullying is occurring but I still think this is going a little too far for the things that don’t need to be that big of an issue, in my perspective. This is all happening inside one class so you could imagine how heavy the atmosphere is.

In my opinion, although nobody asked, we should all be friends. I understand that this would involve a lot of more communicating and loss of energy but it would be beneficial in the long run. We all got accepted to the same school in the same year and got assigned to the same class. There must be a reason for this. Let’s not disrespect each other and try to understand each other’s situations.

Ohio State University

Although I live in South Korea, I want to study abroad and go to a foreign university. I was going through some major universities online and I came upon Ohio State University. I’ve heard that it’s a great school and offers variety of courses. I originally wanted to go to Michigan University of Ann Arbor but the school tuition was to expensive and the acceptance rate was much to low for me. Also, the number one priority that I had when looking for a university was the extracurricular activities that was provided within the campus. For example, if there were many sporting clubs or job offerings to students. I am very interested and enjoy the game of lacrosse. Ohio State is relatively famous for it which attracted me more to the university. I also want to major in business which OSU provides. So, by combining all these information, I came to realize that going to OSU would be beneficial for me and my future. Therefore, it led me to consider strongly of going to OSU.