Finals Next Week!

We have finals next week and studying should be my number one priority right now… but I managed to take some of my time off to post this one post. A lot have been happening in our class lately. A lot of problems among students. I don’t take a side to any argument, I prefer to be the neutral power but I still hear rumors spreading about how there are bullying involved. I’m guessing there is a reason the bullying is occurring but I still think this is going a little too far for the things that don’t need to be that big of an issue, in my perspective. This is all happening inside one class so you could imagine how heavy the atmosphere is.

In my opinion, although nobody asked, we should all be friends. I understand that this would involve a lot of more communicating and loss of energy but it would be beneficial in the long run. We all got accepted to the same school in the same year and got assigned to the same class. There must be a reason for this. Let’s not disrespect each other and try to understand each other’s situations.